Traditional Christmas food at Radio Show – 24/12/0214

Continuing the festive season this week too, our topic for the day was Christmas traditional food. Most of them are common to all regions with a slight variation region wise. We discussed the more popular foods (couldn’t fit in all the traditional dishes).

Starting with the most popular –

  • Christmas Turkey with Cranberry Sauce

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Traditional Christmas Food at Radio Show 

Festive Season at Radio Show

Geared up for the festive season already, we definitely couldn’t miss talking about food – the most essential aspect of any festivity. An elaborate discussion about enjoying Christmas with family vs at Hotels, we collectively thought nothing like being with the family. Although, most of us are here sans family and enjoying the festival at a hotel/restaurant sounds exemplary giving you the chance to meet and greet with new people and take pleasure in delectable food all at the same time.

Christmas and New Year means serious business in this region. What you have on offer is overwhelming right from Eve dinner buffets/set menus to brunches to afternoon teas – you have it all!

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Festive Season at Radio Show

Christmas & New Year 2015

Seasons Greetings!
It’s that time of the year yet again that we have worked for 365 days. Here is a little insight to what restaurants are offering this festive season.
Happy holidays and wish you a foodelicious Christmas and New Year!
* All information below is just a compilation received directly from the restaurants and subject to change as per the decision from respective restaurants.
*Only included as many hotels and restaurants who I could contact and receive any first hand information.

*There is no particular ranking order in which this list is executed. I don’t endorse any property either.
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