Red Lobster – New Menu Bloggers Event

Differing from all my experiences to date, dinner invitation at Red Lobster this week was indeed a journey of educating my palate.
What actually goes into making the food brought to our table from scratch to the extent that the lobsters served are freshly brought in from Canada twice a week was a highlight of this bloggers event! We had a sneak peak into the kitchen and an informative tour with head chef Tahir alongside a fantastic demo of the apt method to cut out a healthy live lobster (if you hold a lobster, and they open like a helicopter, they are healthy). It was intriguing to see how the kitchen was neatly organized and clean at the same time busy with the evening preparation and service.

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A year gone by…

Since #HungryBirdsDoha was born in July last year, I’ve read many blogs – food bloggers mostly and it has been a fun ride connecting with the blog world. This post comes in particular to highlight the updates on Hungry Birds Doha as well as to reach out to more food bloggers that are based in Doha, Qatar.

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Anjappar – Doha

It’s quite overwhelming, honestly, to see brands setting up their restaurants in Wakra recently. There’s one Indian restaurant I was already keen about that is cooking up soon (previously occupied by Ninos) and today seeing a branch of Anjappar pop up out of nowhere made my day, so to speak.

Without wasting anytime and already craving a good dosa – we dined at Anjappar which is rather close to our crib.

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