What’s on the menu? – 3

In the longest time I can remember this happening, the entire last week saw home delivered food or eating out at to go places every single day because I was taking care of the little one who wasn’t well and later in the week, it was passed on to me.

We are a family that puts food on the top – in sickness too. The week kick started with breakfast at Shakespeare and Co. and included superb mixed Saj with Cafe Mocha – It was delectable.

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What’s on the menu? – 3

Chocolate Fantasy in progress…

Due to lack of time, my typical breakfast on a weekday is rather simple without much experimenting and includes my absolute necessary tea with a piece of toast with labneh – leaving me enthusiastic enough to try a new breakfast boutique over the weekend.

Friday mornings are to get out there and treat myself to amazing breakfast places. One such isChaclate at Katara.

Mid last year, a friend (Ms. Hala) and myself met for breakfast (10ish) at Chaclate which wasn’t too late in my opinion. The ‘Chocolate Breakfast’ is what was on the lookout but sad enough they ran out of that and the other options (highly priced) didn’t appeal to us. Leading us to enjoy our morning at Paul in Lagoona Mall (the next best closest – there is Sugar n Spice in the same mall but was closed).

What brought us back to Chaclate was an invite from them to try the breakfast on another occasion due to the shortcoming on this day. We thought why not!

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Chocolate Fantasy in progress…

Festive Season at Radio Show

Geared up for the festive season already, we definitely couldn’t miss talking about food – the most essential aspect of any festivity. An elaborate discussion about enjoying Christmas with family vs at Hotels, we collectively thought nothing like being with the family. Although, most of us are here sans family and enjoying the festival at a hotel/restaurant sounds exemplary giving you the chance to meet and greet with new people and take pleasure in delectable food all at the same time.

Christmas and New Year means serious business in this region. What you have on offer is overwhelming right from Eve dinner buffets/set menus to brunches to afternoon teas – you have it all!

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Festive Season at Radio Show