Burgerry – Doha

I’m yet to discover a boutique that serves gourmet burgers in Qatar. Having indulged into sumptuous places in the neighbouring countries, I had presumed exclusive gourmet burger boutiques to be part of Doha as well.
When heard of Burgerry, my instant smile had no bounds (tired of the fast food joints and their disappointing services). Immediately, it was on my to-go list. Not wasting any time, we booked ourselves the following weekend at the Burgerry. It truly makes you want to get in ASAP with their bold stand alone rustic style structure. The entrance itself is so inviting that one would wonder and be assured of the food delight inside.
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Elevation Burger – Doha

“Tired of the grind? We’re not! We grind our beef fresh daily.” This is the first caption you notice as you enter Elevation Burger located in Porto Arabia, Pearl Qatar.
After previous disappointing experiences in my search of gourmet burgers, I can say this is one place that is close to my search and offers organic gourmet burgers. Though I would have liked to see more varieties, what is currently the menu is also very pleasing. Their décor is of an upscale fast food joint, so I’d say a fast casual dining place over all.
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